If there’s one beauty product that gives you the most attention – it’s definitely red lipstick! Red lipstick is a must-have – but it’s not easy to find the perfect hue. I still struggle a bit, but I think I have finally found one that suits me really well.

My favorite lipstick is the one from Dior – Ultra Rouge, hue #770. It has a super smooth texture and is long-lasting and what is most important for me: it is a gorgeous red color but it is not too shiny and not too reddish, so I can also wear it during the day. The color kind of melts with your natural lip color and creates a natural sexy look. I also love the packaging, it’s red with silver highlights.
I also have a liquid lipstick that looks like lipgloss. It is matt but doesn’t make your lips dry, I like to use it for going out. Mine is from Inglot, if you like this kind of lipstick I can highly recommend it. The formula of this one is very light but has really good opacity. The lipgloss is really easy to apply and is also super long-lasting – so perfect for a long night 😉